Anybody wanting to know how to make money online using affiliate marketing without a website has to look to article marketing, and tie that in with affiliate marketing. I am going to take some time to explain what affiliate marketing is, since many readers will be new to internet marketing, and unsure what the term means.
However if you are not one of them, then skip the next few paragraphs and head of for the final few paragraphs where you will find what you might be looking for.
A. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a term that relates to selling products owned by other people for a commission. It's like being an online salesperson for the product and getting paid for every unit you sell. You could make money online by selling many different types of product as an affiliate, such as vitamin supplements, books for or even software. The problem with the first two of these is that once sold, the product has to be replaced, and that costs money.
a) Replaceable Products.
Let's take a bottle of vitamins, for example. You offer this on your website at a price of say, $20. The merchant (let's refer to the owner of the product as the merchant) has to produce the vitamins and the packaging, and also pay for the delivery costs. Now I have no idea what these costs are, but let's take a rough guestimate.
Vitamins: $10
Packaging: $1
Postage: $0.5
Total: $11.50
Merchant's profit: $7 - to cover overhead costs, any staff, and office supplies and so on, plus his or her own earnings. That leaves you with $1.50, or 7.5 for a replaceable product is a high affiliate pay-out. Some are as low as 2. You are going to have to sell an awful lot of vitamins to make a living from that! Now let's look at:
b) Electronically Deliverable Products
These are mainly eBooks and software. The beauty of these is that they need not be replaced when sold: you can sell the same product time and time again without any replacement cost, and can make money online easily that way. Even without a website. So let's look at the costings here for the same $20 product.
Replacement cost: Nil
Packaging: Nil
Postage: Nil
Total: Nil
Merchant's profit: $10, leaving you with $10, or 50% commission.
It speaks for itself, and that is why affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways of making money online. It's good for the merchants and good for the affiliates! On top of that $20 is cheap for an online product: Most clickbank products are way above that, so more money for you.
However, having chosen the affiliate product you want to sell ( is full of electronically deliverable products), you now have to sell it and generally you will need a website to do so. The reason for that is that you have to find some way of advertising the product. Most people use Google Adwords - an advertising program run by Google that offers you adverts on the Google search results pages in return for payment.
ppc advertising
Google Adwords can cost a lot of money, because they are what are termed a pay per click (PPC) program. You pay Google a certain amount for every click somebody makes on your advert. This price can vary from a couple of cents up to tens of dollars for every click. However, this is not about promoting or denigrating Adwords, it is about effectiveness, and Google Adwords can be a very effective advertising medium, but you can not only make money online using it, but can also lose a lot of money. Apart from that, there is one problem for article and affiliate marketers.
PPC Limitations
If you are promoting a merchant's product, you have to eventually send visitors to the merchant's sale page. Most people do this from their own website, but this article is about doing it without a website. Google Adwords have one simple rule: Only one published advert is permitted to use the merchant's sales page as the target URL (landing page) for any one keyword.
That means that if the merchant's themselves are using Google Adwords for the most productive keywords, you cannot use them and send your visitors straight to the merchant's sales page. You must first send them to a landing page or splash page (one with a quick clickable redirect to the merchant's page) of your own. So how do you overcome that with no website on which to place such pages?
Article Syndication
Easy! You write articles on the topic of the product you are promoting, and then include a link to the merchant's sales page in the 'author's resource' section of the article. This is in the form either of a box, or a passage at the end of the article, in which you can say a bit about yourself, or do as I do and simply promote the product and provide a link to reach the sales page.
You then syndicate that article by submitting it to article directories that themselves syndicate it to other directories and ezines, and also to those that offer their articles through RSS feeds. I am not going to go into figures here, but your article can be exposed to many, many people, and you will generally get a lot of people reading them and make a lot of money online using article marketing without a website.
Work it Out!
There is a way to calculate how many readers you can get, and how many you need to make whatever sum of money you want to make each month: and it works! It's all in knowing the right directories and syndications, the right way to write your articles and the right number of articles needed to provide the results you want. An awful lot of rights and writes there, but once you understand the principle it will all fall into place.
One of the main secrets is how to write your articles to attract the attention of readers, and how to construct the various elements of your article page (article pages on article directories can be listed in Google if relevant enough for a specific keyword) to ensure a good stick rate of readers, and a good click through rate to your website from the link in your resource section.
There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that anybody, professional or beginner at internet marketing, can learn how to make money online using article marketing without a website to help them do so. Having no website when using affiliate marketing and article marketing together doesn't have to be a hindrance: It can be a benefit, because you can spend more time making money, and less trying to maintain a website and keeping the content fresh.
By: pnisbet
Article Directory:
To find the real secrets of how to write and promote articles to enable you make a lot of money as an affiliate without a website (or with one) check out Article Czar for some great gifts, and a free writing course, to go with the great information you will receive.